pmmvy online registration form 2024 – pmmvy nic in Registration – Check Login pmmvy online registration form 2024 – pmmvy nic in – PMMVY is well known as Pradhan Mantri Mantru Vandana Yojana which is launched by the government of India. Beneficiaries who are interested can able to apply for the pmmvy online registration 2024. The mode of applying for the registration is an online mode. With the help of the PMMVY all Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers will be getting financial assistance. After that eligible candidates have to fill up the pmmvy online registration form 2024. Ministry of Women and Child Development has handed over the complete scheme. We have an official link of Login Registration at the end of the article.

Collect Details For Pmmvy Apply Online Registration
Yojana Name | Pradhan Mantri Mantru Vandana Yojana |
Well known | PMMVY |
Year | 2024 |
Authority Name | Ministry of Women and Child Development |
Motive | Financial assistance to pregnant ladies and enhance the health and nutritional status of mothers and infants. |
Beneficiaries | pregnant ladies, mothers, and infants. |
Category | Registration |
Apply Mode | Online mode |
Announced By | Prime Minister Narendra Modi |
Scheme Launch Date | 01st January 2017 |
Contact Number | 011-23382393 |
Official website | | |
PMMVY Application form – registration
क्या आप PMMVY योजना की तलाश कर रहे हैं? यदि हां तो आप यहां से आवेदन कर सकते हैं। भारत सरकार ने पहल की है और एक ऑनलाइन योजना शुरू की है जिसका नाम पीएमएमवीवाई योजना है। पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन करने का तरीका ऑनलाइन है। प्रधानमंत्री मन्त्रु वन्दना योजना एक ऐसी योजना है जो प्रधानमंत्री मन्त्रु वन्दना योजना के कल्याण के लिए काम करती है। हम आपको लेख के अंत में आधिकारिक लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं।
pmmvy beneficiary list Statistics – pmmvy new registration
Beneficiaries Enrolled | 3,48,29,628 |
Beneficiaries Enrolled | 3,11,95,047 |
Total Amount Paid | 1,41,03,44,13,000 |
Pradhan Mantri Mantru Vandana Yojana Objective – poshan abhiyaan gov in
The primary goal of the program’s debut is to give pregnant women financial support. The woman would receive Rs 6000 from the department. Pregnant women and nursing moms receive malnutrition as a result of this program, which also helps to improve health.
Benefits For new registration
- The program will assist nursing mothers and pregnant women when the first living child is born.
- Benefit amount from the scheme will be transferred to the beneficiary’s bank account via Direct Bank Transfer (DBT). According to reports, the government would pay in a series of installments.
- When registering for pregnancy, a one-time payment of Rs. 1000 is required.
- The second installment would be worth Rs 2000 if the beneficiary undergoes at least one antenatal checkup after six months of pregnancy.
- Third payment of Rs 2000 is payable when the child is born and the first vaccine round, which includes BCG, OPV, DPT, and Hepatitis-B for the infant, starts.
Eligibility Criteria For pmmvy registration online
- All Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers, excluding PW&LM, who are regularly employed by the Central Government, State Governments, PSUs, or those who are recipients of equal benefits under any law currently in force.
- Those who meet the requirements who become pregnant or start breastfeeding on or after January 1, 2017, and it is the first kid for the family.
- When determining a beneficiary’s date and stage of pregnancy, the LMP date that appears on her MCP card is used as a reference.
List of Documents For login registration online
- Aadhaar Card,
- Driving License,
- Voter Card,
- Copy of MCP Certificate
- Undertaking signs by the husband
- PMMVY Application Form i.e Form 1A
- Bank/Post Office Account Passbook Copy.
Steps Available for login registration
- Candidates must access the PMMVY website.
- On the home page, locate the Login option.
- Just click it. Date of birth and mobile number should be entered.
- On your mobile number, an OTP will be sent.
- Enter the OTP and press the submit button.
- You have successfully completed the login process.
Process to Apply for Pmmvy online registration form 2024
- Candidates must access the PMMVY official website.
- Your screen will start to display a homepage.
- In the box, enter the PMMVY login option.
- The PMMVY registration form must be filled out accurately.
- Fill out a form with the necessary papers uploaded.
- Recheck the information, then press the submit button.
- Your registration process is complete.
Important Links For pmmvy nic in
Apply Online for PMMVY Online Registration 2024 – Click Here